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  • gray577

Week #9 - Teun Hocks

At the intersection of intolerance and pandemic a moment of humor is well worth a look. Humor is what fuels Teun Hocks art. His humorous compositions feel effortless but a great deal of thought and technical effort is expended in there execution. The Dutch photographer Teun Hocks creates his art like a stage performance, first he designs the setting with a painting back drop. Then he takes a picture of the back drop with him performing his Buster Keaton inspired acts, with deadpan humor. Then using an oversized gelatin print with silver, he paints over the print in oil paints. Viewing the photo as an underpainting. Now that the set and stage have been created it is time for the show, using his dead pan sense of humor, Hocks enters the scene and entertains the audience like a true showman.

Channeling his Buster Keaton Hocks places himself into absurd situations. In personally directing these well choregraphed scenes he is able to bring his vision to life.

He maintains a catalogue of sketches that he uses as reference and as a reminder of potential ideas. Many of these sketch ideas will eventually find their way into his digital art. In most of his images Hocks is the sole character, he often depicts himself playing both parts in the photo image of the smokers.

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