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  • gray577

Weekly post # 14: Jeff Soto

Jeff Soto's art seeks to synthesize pop culture and graffiti in order to create an illustrative universe of other worldly characters and creatures. His art clearly reflects west coast sensibilities (cactus, buffalo's and Indians). His art also shows some influence of west coast uniqueness, such as the popularity of low brow art. He brings his illustrative talent, to paint on the side of buildings in a large composition format. What used to be called murals is referred to now as Graffiti.

While Soto's art appears to be influenced by popular culture, his art is grounded in the frequent use of animals. Certain animals can be seen featured throughout his works; are cats, butterflies and owls. He also likes to incorporate the Grim reaper , shapes and the pyramid like the eye that turn into his signature characters.

The image that I chose titled The White Ghost reminds me of a Pokémon character that was full of tentacles or wrapped in vines, his shape is round and his white round eyes are the only thing that is exposé, he is called Tangela. I don't know if Jeff Soto is a fan of Pokémon, but I find it interesting that he created a character that has a similar resemblance to a character from that particular franchise.

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