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Week # 6 Daniela Edburg - Drop Dead Gorgeous

All of the 15 scenarios depict women associated with objects and context that are generally accepted as denoting the female. Twelve of the scenarios take place in the home; the remaining 3 occur outside the home. Six of the 15 images portray women as dead. Nine remaining images portray women as still being alive even though they are being menaced by the possibility of death. Some of the images appear to have been influenced by classic movies or paintings.

  1. Death by Slimfast- Seems to have been based on Ingres's painting Odalisque.

  2. Death by Cotton Candy- Could have been influenced by Alfred Hitchcock's movie North By Northwest.

  3. Death by Tupperware- appears to have had as inspiration Japanese horror movies from the 50's.

  4. Death by Shampoo- Appears to be inspired by Jacques-Louis David's painting Death of Marat.

  5. Death by Lifesavers- Could possibly have been inspired by the tragic events of the Mary Jo Kopechne's drowning.

  6. Death by Oreo- Appears to be influenced by Whistler's painting Whistler's Mother.

  7. Death by Coffee- Could have had as a source the horror or thriller films of the 30's.

  8. Death by Sweetener- Due to the era that the image is portraying, my mind jump to the death of Janis Joplin.

  9. Death by M&M's- Due to the era that the image is portraying, it reminded me of Marilyn Monroe's death.

  10. Death by Apple- Immediately reminds me of Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

  11. Death by Bananas- Appears to be inspired from Alfred Hitchcock's (1963) movie The Birds.

These rest of these images in the series of Drop Dead Gorgeous, do not appear to have used famous paintings or movies. Rather they appear to use humor or be whimsical.

  • Death by Cake- The image appears to be set in the 1950's which was the time of domestic bliss and the beginning of popular baking shows like Betty Crocker Star Matinee.

  • Death by Gummy Bears- Gives the vibe of a humorous scenario. Like the other images the setting could be set in the 60's. A noticeable oddity in the image, is despite having the gummies crawl up her leg, her gaze is looking towards the sky. There seems to be a disconnect with the narrative.

  • Death by Nutella- The image appears to be taking place in the 1960's, the image does not present an interesting narrative.

  • Death by Hair Dye- Is the more ambiguous picture out of the 15. It does not have a given title. So I decided to classify it with the title Death of Hair Dye, following the narrative of the image suggests a humorous aspect.

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