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Weekly Post # 10- Denis Darzacq

Reviewing images from the photo series Hyper by artist Denis Darzacq I noticed that his photo series utilizes a single character in various acrobatic poses without the use of Photoshop, he inserts his subjects into various grocery store aisles. Some of the identifiable store aisles are refrigerated food, cosmetics, Flower, and Diary. Darzacq is a French photographer and all the photographs for the Hyper series appear to have taken place in French markets known as Hypermarkets. The hypermarkets all seem to be rough French area's such as Rouen. Darzacq makes use of traditional photography with his application of stop action, capturing the dancers poses in mid action. He seems to also employ the natural lighting used in the hypermarket such as florescent and halide. The captured poses all appear to be the end of a violent reaction. Darzacq uses the juxtaposition of the hypermarket and its locations in especially bad parts of France to critique the forced consumerism of the individual in society.

In this image from the Hyper series the dancer, a young man in his 20's, has violently turned away from making a selection from all of items that are carefully displayed for an individuals selection. The warehouse like florescent lighting and the abundantly stocked shelves begs the individual to make a purchase, even if it is against his will.

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