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  • gray577

Weekly Post # 11- Haziz and Cucher

Haziz and Cucher's photo series Dystopia, appears to be using the idea of subtraction. In their critique of removing those characteristics that convey identity. They use the photoshop cut and erase tool to erase important facial features like the eyes, mouth and nose. In effect they are subverting our sense of vision, along with identity by removing the eyes, nose and finally the mouth. As viewers these characteristics represent our usual landmarks on a face, when they have been removed, we have nowhere to focus our gaze. we become disoriented. Looking at these images increases our anxiety to such an extent they make us look away. To me it feels like the artists are trying to tell the viewers how integral our senses are connected to our individual identity's.

Anthony Haziz and Samuel Cucher are a duo of visual artists.

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