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Weekly Post # 2 Hagan Brothers

The Hagan brothers painting titled The Welcoming used many different mediums and multiple styles to create their paintings. Their styles range from a traditional classical style to a splash of modern pop art all mixed together to provide a 3D painted collage. The Hagan brothers provided a contemporary relevancy to their paintings by including well known Disney characters interacting with the classic stylized characters. The use of different mediums that the Hagan brothers use such as spray paint, digital art, and the use of classical figures with the incorporation of pop culture Icons allowed them to create a unified painting that challenges our understanding of composition. Ronald Macdonald through the use of isolation is the focal point of the Hagan brothers painting. Balance appears to have been sacrificed in order to achieve their usual 3D collage effect. The foreground and background appear to merge. Pallet colors provide a harmonious effect throughout the painting, helping to bring emphasis to the central figure, Ronald MacDonald. Because of the robustness of the images movement is difficult. Each group of images are a potential focal point which hampers the eye in navigating around the painting. A viewers eye tends to move directly to the main focal point rather than around the other elements diminishing there value to the overall composition of the painting. Here the Hagan brothers seem to be employing the rule of thirds. The focal point is in right third of the painting. Even though the characters and mediums are dispirit, it works, the painting is unified.

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